Concord's Comprehensive Town Plan consists of 11 elements (chapters). Each element describes an aspect of the town and also includes our visions, goals, and strategies for the future in that area. We (all interested Concord citizens) will review the 11 elements of our present plan during two meetings (March 24 and April 21) with the goal of evaluating if we want to change any of the plan goals or just bring the plan up to date. The comprehensive plan is a document that must be followed for future land use decisions and other changes. At the April 21, 2022, meeting we will discuss the remaining 7 elements of the town plan: Housing, Transportation, Utilities, Natural Resources, Cultural and Historic Resources, Intergovernmental, and Implementation. Please come join us!!

A summary of the March 24 meeting is available here (discussing four elements of the town plan).

Below are brief descriptions of each element, often including some issues to think about. The blue heading text links to the text of the current 2009 plan.

Elements Discussed on March 24

Issues and Opportunities Element:

The purpose of the Issues and Opportunities Element is to provide background information pertaining to the Town of Concord, to identify issues and/or opportunities specific to the Town, and to propose the overall goals that will serve as a framework for the construction of supporting goals specific to each element of the Concord Comprehensive Plan. Cost of Development 

Agricultural Resources Element:

The purpose of the Agricultural Resources Element is to provide data on the current status of farmland and farming in the Town of Concord. It will present strategies to preserve and protect the existing farmland. Issues to be discussed in this element would include lot splits, rezoning of farmland for business purposes, solar farms, CAFOs, & conservation programs.

Economic Development Element:

The purpose of the Economic Development Element is to provide an inventory of the economic conditions of the Town of Concord. It includes information on the employment characteristics of the town’s workforce such as types of employment, and percent of the workforce employed within the town vs out of the town. It also includes an inventory of existing businesses operating in the town. The element will assess the town’s strengths and weaknesses with respect to attracting and retaining businesses and industries, its desire for future business development, and designation of areas to accommodate such development. Issues to discuss in this element include increasing the size of the hamlet, types of business development desired in the hamlet, business development in agricultural areas (A-2 zoning). Current plan hamlet map  (Present county hamlet map)

Land Use Element:

The purpose of the Land Use Element is to provide a summary of existing land use in the Town of Concord and to identify land use trends. This element will identify areas that have the possibility for further development. It will provide strategies to direct future business development to appropriate areas and to accommodate the degree of new residential development desired by the town. Issues to discuss in this element include of where town citizens want business development to occur, expansion of the hamlet, lot splits, and business zoning in the hamlet and in agricultural areas.

Elements for Discussion on April 21

Housing Element:

The purpose of the Housing Element is to provide information on the current housing stock in the Town of Concord. Data would include the total number and condition of the existing housing stock, home prices, building permit data, vacancy rates, and owner-occupied housing versus renter-occupied as a percentage of total housing stock. The element will identify strategies to ensure the availability of housing to persons of all income levels, age groups, and special needs. It will assess future housing needs based on demographic projections and on the desire of the community for creation of new housing units. Issues for discussion in this element would include lot splits, multifamily housing, & subdivisions.

Transportation Element:

The purpose of the Transportation Element is to provide an overview of existing roadways, airports, transit services, rail lines, and trails available to citizens of the Town of Concord. It will include information on existing traffic volumes and patterns and estimate future volumes based on projected development. The transportation element will also provide an assessment of the current physical condition of the roadways, strategies to fund maintenance of roadways, and the potential for development of new roads. Issues for discussion in this element would include the Willow Glen interchange, a potential park & ride lot, creation of new roads, and development of non-vehicular trails.

Utilities and Community Facilities Element:

The purpose of the Utilities and Community Facilities Element is to provide an analysis of current sanitary sewer facilities, storm water management, water supply, solid waste disposal, on-site wastewater treatment, recycling facilities, parks, telecommunications facilities, power-generating plants and transmission lines, cemeteries, health care facilities, child care facilities and other public facilities, such as police, fire and rescue facilities, libraries, schools and other governmental services. It will assess future needs for such services and include strategies to address current and future demand for these services. Issues for discussion in this element would include fire & EMS contracts, water quality, & commercial solar energy facilities.

Natural Resources Element:

The purpose of the Natural Resources Element is to provide an overview of the natural resources present in the Town of Concord. These would include groundwater, forests, productive agricultural areas, environmentally sensitive areas, threatened and endangered species, stream corridors, surface water, floodplains, wetlands, wildlife habitat, and metallic and nonmetallic mineral resources. This element would also include strategies to manage and protect such resources.

Cultural and Historic Resource Element:

The purpose of the Cultural and Historic Resource Element is to provide an overview of the town’s unique cultural historic resources and heritage. This element will provide strategies to preserve these resources and identify programs which could aid the town in those efforts.

Intergovernmental Cooperation Element:

The purpose of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Element is to analyze the relationship of the Town of Concord to other municipalities and other governmental entities including school districts and drainage districts. This element will provide strategies for cooperation with such entities and for sharing of public services. It will also identify existing or potential conflicts with other local governments and include recommendations for resolving such conflicts. Issues for discussion in this element include annexation, boundary agreements, extraterritorial plat review, shared road maintenance.

Implementation Element:

The purpose of the Implementation Element is to provide a compilation of programs and specific actions the Town of Concord must take in order to implement the provisions of the comprehensive plan. This would include changes to any applicable zoning regulations or official maps, writing of ordinances, and establishment of intergovernmental agreements. This element will also include a mechanism to measure the town’s progress toward achieving all aspects of the comprehensive plan and a process for amending or updating the comprehensive plan.