March 27, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with Lloyd Zastrow, Jim Gilbert, Sally Williams, and Laura Callison present. Carole Hoffmeister was absent.

The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Sally Williams stated that the meeting had been properly posted.

Jim Gilbert made a motion to approve the minutes from the February 27 meeting, second by Laura Callison. All approved. Motion passed.

Item 1: Anfang Properties LLC (Tom Anfang) requested review and approval of a preliminary CSM to rezone 4.6 acres from A-1 to A-2 for agricultural use. Parcel address is N4932 County Road P (parcel # 006-0716-3143-002). The current use of the parcel is for equipment storage and repair. Mr. Anfang would like to sell the property to S & R Egg Farms - the use of the parcel would remain essentially the same. This is an amended request, Mr. Anfang was initially requesting a rezoning of 8.9 acres to A-2. Jim Gilbert made a motion to recommend approval of the request as presented, second by Sally Williams. All approved. Motion passed.

Item 2: Discussion of amendments to Mobile Home Ordinance: Sally Williams presented changes to the Mobile Home Park Ordinance. More specific criteria were added to the Park Plan which the Mobile Home Park owners are required to submit for approval each year, penalties were included for lack of compliance with the ordinance, bonding was increased to $50,000. The updated plan will be presented to the Town Board at their April meeting.

Item 3:  Discussion of Comprehensive Plan update: The Town of Concord Comprehensive Land Use Plan was not discussed due to time constraints.

With no further business, Sally Williams made a motion to adjourn, second by Laura Callison. All approved.   Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Sally Williams, secretary

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Wednesday, May 8, 2019 - 6pm