February 27, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with Lloyd Zastrow, Jim Gilbert, Sally Williams, Carole Hoffmeister, and Laura Callison present.

The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Sally Williams stated that the meeting had been properly posted.

Laura Callison made a motion to approve the minutes from the January 23 meeting, second by Jim Gilbert. All approved. Motion passed.

Item 1: Anfang Properties LLC (Tom Anfang) represented by surveyor John Kannard, requested review and approval of a preliminary CSM to rezone 8.9 acres from A-1 to A-2 for agricultural use. Parcel address is N4932 County Road P (parcel # 006-0716-3143-002). The current use of the parcel is for equipment storage and repair. Mr. Anfang would like to sell the property to S & R Egg Farms - the use of the parcel would remain essentially the same. An approximately 4.5 acre portion of the parcel contains the existing buildings and abuts the road. The back portion of the parcel is an approximately 4.5 acre field which would be used to test machinery. The parcel would need to be rezoned as it is < 35 acres. The Egg Farm will be purchasing other cropland in the area but does not want to purchase 35 acres in this location as the A-1 land adjoining the 8.9 acre parcel is in the Wetland Reserve Program and cannot be farmed. Sally voiced concern regarding rezoning a parcel this size to a business zoning as it opens up the possibility for future potential business  uses on the property which could become quite large and disruptive to the surrounding community.  The business entity who will be purchasing the property is relatively large and no plan for how they would use the property was presented. Suggestions were made to rezone only the 4.5 acres abutting the road and containing the buildings or to have the purchaser buy a 35 acre parcel so rezoning would not be necessary.

Lloyd Zastrow made a motion to approve the rezoning as presented, second by Jim Gilbert. Lloyd and Jim approved. Sally, Laura, and Carole opposed. Motion denied.

Sally made a motion to table the discussion to the next meeting and to discuss the proposal with the zoning office to see if there are options other than creating a large A-2 parcel. Second by Laura. All approved. Motion passed.

Item 2: Discussion of amendments to Mobile Home Ordinance: Bill Ingersoll requested that the Plan Commission review the Mobile Home Ordinance and discuss possible amendments to impose penalties on the Mobile Home Park for non-compliance with the terms of the license. The Town Board has been receiving complaints that the park management is not keeping the park road well plowed. The current ordinance does not contain any wording regarding snow plowing. The following suggestions were proposed:

  • Section 6(d) - insert wording between #7 and #8 that the Park Plan should contain Method and plan for snow removal.
  • Section 6(f) - insert wording between #19 and #20 providing criteria which must be met in the Park Plan to provide adequate snow and ice removal.
  • Section 6 - insert between 6(f) and 6(g) wording to the effect that if the licensee fails to comply with licensing regulations or with the criteria set forth in the Park Plan, that a daily penalty of $ --- would be assessed until the licensee exhibits compliance.

The Plan Commission will seek guidance for any changes at the next Town Board meeting. There was a consensus that it would be a good idea to have the town attorney review the ordinance.

Item 3:  Discussion of Comprehensive Plan update: The Town of Concord Comprehensive Land Use Plan was passed in 2009. State statutes require that the plan be updated every 10 years. Lloyd will talk to the new Community Educator at the UW Extension Center to see if he can offer advice and guidance on the process.

With no further business, Sally Williams made a motion to adjourn, second by Laura Callison. All approved.   Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Sally Williams, secretary

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Sunday, March 31, 2019 - 4pm